Podcast Studio Rental & Services

in Northwest Bakersfield

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, our fully equipped studio and supportive environment provide everything you need to produce content that captivates and connects with your audience.


All-in-One Setup

Fully equipped with professional video, audio gear, sound-treated rooms, TV and speaker monitors, and editing software in a plug-and-play setup.

Professional Gear

Equipped with two DSLR cameras for dynamic multi-angle video, four professional dynamic XLR microphones, a Blackmagic capture device, and a Focusrite audio interface.

Expert Support

Not just equipment, but also access to an experienced audio engineer for in-studio recording, editing, and mastering.

Tony on the Real

Tony Ayon & CHUCK

by Tony Ayon | Episode 01


You Could be the Next Rogan.

 You know you have ideas that can inspire, stories that deserve an audience, and a message that can make a difference. Yet, the complexity of creating a professional podcast can be overwhelming. With PodJam Studios, we make it easy to get started.

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Our Clients Love it!

The top-notch equipment and acoustically treated rooms have elevated my podcast’s quality, making every session here a professional and seamless experience. Highly recommend to any podcaster looking to up their game

Tony Ayon


From the moment I stepped into PodJam Studios, I knew I was in the right place. The staff’s expertise and the studio’s welcoming atmosphere made it easy for me to focus on what I do best – creating. It’s the go-to studio in Bakersfield for anyone serious about podcasting.

Dr. Jared Salvo


Plans & Pricing

Quality That Keeps Your Listeners Coming Back

https://podjamstudios.com/building-a-podcast-brand/ Building a Podcast Brand

Building a Podcast Brand In the bustling marketplace of ideas, a single voice that resonates can ripple into a wave of influence - a podcast is born from such a genesis. While the digital landscape burgeons with content, the meticulously crafted podcast brand stands...

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Podcast Distribution and Marketing Strategies: Guidance on distributing your podcast across various platforms, using SEO tactics to enhance visibility, and leveraging social media for promotion.

https://podjamstudios.com/repurposing-long-form-podcasts-into-short-form-content/ Repurposing Long-form Podcasts into Short-form Content

The landscape of content consumption is evolving with a shift towards brevity. Audiences increasingly prefer quick, digestible formats over longer ones, driving a transformation in content strategy: This has profound implications for long-form podcast creators....